• The criteria are required by French law for the Fund to support international projects. They are therefore non-negotiable.

    • Be a general interest nonprofit organization (NPO), i.e. :
      • carry out a non-profit activity,
      • be managed in a disinterested manner,
      • not act for the benefit of a limited circle of people,
      • carry out an educational activity;
    • Have a project focusing on the education of 0-8 year old for an underprivileged public (meeting the essential needs of populations in distress/misfortune),
    • Have an identified bioMérieux sponsor,
    • Have a project deployed near a bioMérieux site
  • This means that a nonprofit organization must obtain the support of a member of the bioMérieux team to respond to the call for projects. If the project is selected, this person will follow the project for the Fund until its completion.

  • Send us an email at endowmentfund@biomerieux.com, including the name of the regional coordinator below. She will put you in touch with bioMérieux employees interested in taking on this role.

  • The Fund aims to provide the essential elements of education to enable the social integration of young children (reading, writing, learning to count) but also seeks to encourage projects related to a child's well-being (language stimulation, self-confidence, sleep, nutrition, musical awareness, etc.). 

    The direct beneficiaries of a project can be the children and their families, but also those who provide education (teachers, teacher trainers, etc.) or the educational ecosystem.

  • The countries concerned by the call for projects are the countries where bioMérieux is established: bioMérieux Worldwide | Pioneering Diagnostics (biomerieux.com)
    The project must be implemented near a bioMérieux site. It is the final beneficiaries who must be close to a bioMérieux site, not the organization's headquarters. 
    Generally speaking, we try to think of proximity in terms of car travel/public transport, and we aim for trips that can be made in one day.

  • They have been defined by the Board of the Fund. They focus on :

    • Concrete actions and their deployment: how will the NPO deploy its actions, with which network on the ground, and are the actions clearly explained?
    • The beneficiaries: how will the action reach them and, in the long term, will it contribute to reducing inequalities?
    • The impact of the project: is the NPO able to establish and monitor success indicators?
    • The ability to involve bioMérieux employees in specific actions at least once a year for the duration of the support (e.g. field visits, collection and distribution of books, leisure activities with children, etc.);
    • The network built by the NPO with structures in the field (prescribers, relay structures, partners....);
    • The coherence between the budget requested by the NPO and the overall budget of the NPO (example: the NPO has an overall budget of 100 and requests 90: without our support, the NPO is in danger).

    There will be possible "bonus" points (e.g. if the project is innovative or based on research).

    You can download from the homepage the full list of questions in the application and the selection criteria for the Fund.

  • One nonprofit organization can only apply for one project per country.

    If the NPO is a worldwide organization it can apply for several countries through their local offices.

  • Applications are examined in three stages:

    • the regional coordinators read each application from their zone and rate them using an eligibility and selection grid,
    • The Fund team also reads the applications and discusses their selection with each regional coordinator in order to establish a "short-list" for the Board,
    • The final selection is made by the Board on October 9th, 2024.
      • In 2023, 65 applications were received, 38 were eligible and 18 were selected.
  • All the NPOs that have submitted a project, whether they are selected or not, will be informed by e-mail by the Endowment Fund, the week of October 21st, 2024.

  • The projects supported will be monitored on a quarterly basis and a balance sheet will be drawn up at the end of each year following payment, in order to check the use of the funds and the results obtained by the project.

  • 3 possibilities :

    - The email address you entered doesn't match any of the email addresses registered in our database. In this case, please check which email address you used to create your account (a confirmation email was initially sent to you), then click on "Lost password" and enter the correct email address.

    - You have made a typing error when entering the email address to which the link to create a password must be sent. Click on "Lost password" and enter the correct email address.

    - You haven't entered the correct email address when creating your account. Please contact the organisation for which you submitted, or you would like to submit, a request and ask them to replace the first email address with the correct email address.

    Tip: If you have clicked more than once on "Lost password", only the last link received will be valid.

  • If you have clicked more than once on "Lost password", only the last link received will be valid.

  • If you use Internet Explorer 7 or 8, please try again with a more recent version (Internet Explorer from the 9th version) or with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

  • You can look over your project by :

    - opening the PDF you received in the confirmation of reception email after you submitted your first part.

    - going to "My account / Manage my requests" and by clicking on the link "view" under the first part of your project.

  • Once the person you invited will have completed her part and clicked on "validate and send", you will be immediately notified by email.

  • If you are sure you have the correct address, please check if your cookies are activated in your browser by clicking on this link: https://www.whatismybrowser.com/are-cookies-enabled. If the answer is "yes", you will have to delete the cookies.

    Below is a link where you will find the steps to follow in order to delete the cookies based on the browser you use: http://www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies/clear-cookies-installed.html.

    • every 2 minutes

    • every 30 seconds after a data has been entered or a change has been made

    • after having entered a first answer and started replying to the second question

    • when clicking on “previous screen” or “next screen”

    • when clicking on another screen on the menu on the left hand side of the interface